Week 0 Daily Checklist


Your last task for this week is to set up your writing practice for the next day. Check your Daily Card. Will you be out of the house for your writing practice? If so, make sure you pack up everything you need. If you are going to be in your home, make sure you leave your writing space beautiful. In short, do everything you can to make sure that your tomorrow-self will be able to write.

There really isn’t any writing. Not yet. Just building a lasting container for writing. It isn’t that writing is so magical everything needs to be perfect before you write. It is that I am convinced that good structure can carry you through the waning of the initial surge of excitement that one typically feels at the outset of a project.

You aren’t here for three days.

You are here to create a life-long practice of writing, and I want to help you in the way that I know how (it might not be the only way, but it is my way).

So, I love you, Dearest Writer. I love your heart. I love your hope. I believe that you and writing have some stuff to get done. I hope you love Annie Dillard as much as I do. Come to your space. Fill out your cards. Read these fiercely beautiful words. Scribble down a quote or ten.

Never give up. We begin again each day.