Week 0 Daily Card Part 1


What is a Daily Card? Well, it isn’t very sexy, but it is a pivotal part of making a daily practice daily. I am sitting in my writing chair right now, and to my left are two baskets of unfolded laundry, on my kitchen counter is a pile of rinsed dishes waiting to go into the dishwasher after it finishes running, and on the school table are a stack of math worksheets that need to be graded.

“How do you find time to write with four kids and homeschooling and a job!” That is my FAQ. And this is the answer.

I schedule a time.

That’s it.

I don’t wait for inspiration to strike or to be in the mood. I create morning and evening routines and daily schedules and rhythms to accommodate my writing practice. So, during this introductory week, creating your card will take up the bulk of your writing time. But that’s so BORING you wail. Honey, I have four kids. I am immune to whining, wailing, and pleading. If you want to be a writer, you have to be able to write. If you want to be able to write you are going to have to have the time, and that is the hardest part. Let me say that again. Sitting down to write is the hardest part, and it’s the hardest part on day one, day one hundred, and day four thousand seventy-two.

If you want to have a daily writing practice (or consistent writing practice…let’s be real…writing consistently once a week is better than never), you must be respectful of your time.

So, how do you make a Daily Card?

What you will need:

  • 3x5 cards

  • A pencil or pen

  • Your calendar

When you have gathered those things, go to Week 0 Daily Card Part 2.