Liturgy of the Mundane Week 5

Writing practice is an exercise in discovering what is in you that isn’t yours.

Well, that could be clearer.

The practice of sitting to write, quickly and without the input of your inner critic, connects you to something ineffable that flows through you in words. How do I know this? Because I have experienced it. I have been swept up in the stream of words, catching them as they pop into my mind, typing or scribbling like mad to capture them all before they slip past.

There are so many more things to be said about this, but I am not brave enough to write them out today. Perhaps tomorrow. Or Thursday.

Writing practice is learning to sit down and participate in letting your mind relax enough to hear what’s out there. Most of the time writing practice isn’t transcendent. It’s just scribbly drivel. Journaly put-put-putting across the page. The prompt is there, and it’s all down hill from there. The everydayness of the practice is where the power is. If your mind knows that when you arrive at writing practice, it is time to let go, you will find that it becomes easier to get to a loose writing mind.

Then when the ineffable shows up, you can catch it.

This is the great doxology of writing.

Monday: I smiled when…

Tuesday: I know it’s ok to…

Wednesday: It is so beautiful when…

Thursday: Blinking is like…

Friday: Dear Grumpiness, please know…

Writing Practice Rules:

  • Grab a pen and paper or dictation device or computer

  • Write/record the prompt at the top of your page

  • Set a timer (you can adjust the time to suit your needs…I keep the practices short so they don’t seem overwhelming)

  • Take a few moments to visualize what the prompt is bringing up

  • Write or speak or type!! Try not to edit or criticize. Just write.

  • Write the details of what is coming up. I call this catching what rises.

  • If you get stuck, make loops with your pen or nonsense syllables with your voice or tap the keyboard

  • Write the details of what you are seeing until the timer goes off